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Middle School Discovery Day 3

This morning we moved on to majors after breakfast as quick as possible. Everyone had a lot to learn and do. Our photography group started with hair and makeup before moving on to a pool based tea party photo shoot. You can find the fantastic pictures on flickr in todays album. I highly recommend taking a look they are excellent. Our fishing group went and did some fishing off the dock and actually caught some fish. I hear the catch total is up to five so far. Guitar continued working on chords and honing the fundamentals. Arts and crafts painted some tote bags that they designed. Our outdoor group explored making shelters and cooking on camp equipment. Movie making began working on shooting clips for the movie.

After lunch we moved into campers choice. Some of the highlights being tie dye, just dance, and the ever competitive 4 square. Some of our more adventurous way finders went on a long canoe trip on the manatee.

When dinner was over we spent time on the ship RMS Dayspringtanic. The evenings game surrounded the Titanic, and our campers experienced some ballroom dancing, watched a game of musical chairs, and played human shuffleboard. The night rounded out with us seeing how many campers could fit on the chunk of wood floating in the "ocean"

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