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High School Camp Last Day

Devon Shank

Good Evening Everyone. I can not believe High School Camp is coming to an end already. Seems like Sunday was just yesterday. High School is always a hard camp to say goodbye to as several of our campers are graduating next year and it is the last time we will see them as campers. It is always amazing to see how they grow over all the years we see them at camp.

Today we started with a large camp game of capture the flag across the whole grounds. While it was hot the campers had a great time running the property trying to retrieve the stolen flag. When the game was over we celebrated our last full camp activity with a time to cool off in the pool. Much needed since it was so hot today.

Later in the day after campers choice activities that included swing dancing, just dance, pool time and 4 square we all changed into the best country western gear we had to prepare for one of the longest running DaySpring traditions. The hootenanny led by our good friend Barney. It was amazing to dance and laugh together. Then off to cabins we went to pack and get ready for pick up today.

For all of our parents, thank you for trusting us with your campers. It has been a fantastic week. For tomorrow closing eucharist starts at 11 am and pick up starts about 11:45 am. Make sure to check out the flickr page for all the awesome photos from this week.

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